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What's happening now?


The 5 Summer Trial Teams were successful and the Ministry Team and Ministry Team Council have approved Hospitality Teams as our method of providing Sunday hospitality at First Unitarian Church.  


Virtually all of the participants in the summer trial agreed to stay on as permanent teams so we are off to a very good start.  We are now faced with the challenge of informing the congregation and recruiting approximately 50 more people to serve on 4 new hospitality teams. The existing teams will serve in the odd-numbered months and new teams are being formed for the even-numbered months starting in October


The exact status of team recruiting is kept up to date on the church website.


This is a "working" website for the First Unitarian Church Hospitality Team Project. 


It's purpose is to provide information to congregation members who wish to learn more about our project to implement Hospitality Teams and participate in their success.  Another purpose of this website is to provide a place where we can store the documents, prodecures, and job descriptions so that they are always accessible to the Hospitality Teams when they need them.  


All about Hospitality Teams


To introduce Hospitality Teams to our congregation, we created a

 special edition of The Flame, our monthly newsletter.  If you get a chance, please read through it to get a good understanding of the goals and functions of these teams.


The future of this project website


As we go forward, the Procedures/Schedules section will be continuously updated to provide full and current information that the teams need to do their work.


Questions or comments?


Please contact the team with any questions or comments that you would like to share.



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